Live Happier, Healthier, Wealthier
Have you suddenly found yourself responsible for managing your finances? Are you looking to improve your overall financial wellness but not sure where to begin? I am passionate about helping individuals and small businesses find more peace with and control over their financial picture.
Take control of
Did you know that the physical effects of financial stress can manifest as headaches, back aches, ulcers, increased blood pressure, depression and anxiety just to name a few.

Stop worrying!
Take control of your finances, don't let them control you, it is all about making smart choices.
If not now when?

Subscribe today and get your free copy of "Four Key Money Concepts for gaining Control over your Finances"
Your Greatest Self.
Work with a trained life coach with a deep expertise in financial matters, teaching simple coaching tips, tools, and techniques that will lead to a happier, healthier, wealthier you!

"Dan, as my coach, was able to help me create my vision of retirement…lifestyle, travel, activities, residence, location…and we began to build the timeline and financial plan that would lead me toward that vision. He will guide you gently and knowingly and realistically to the place you need and want to be. It’s an enjoyable journey through the coaching process. You might even see the impossible become possible."
Dorothy, Sr. Director of HR
"Mr. Persechini’s coaching team came into our high school to present financial life skills to a group of students over several sessions. Far and away what struck me most of all was the excellent lesson planning. I was shocked to be frank at the excellence of what I would call pedagogy practiced by Mr. Persechini, who is not a lifelong educator by profession. The presentation was extremely engaging and relevant. With thoughtful hooks to gain interest, real-world content, humor, and student involvement."
Sean K., High School Principal